A Place to Start…

I’ve decided I need focus…I’m six months into my new adventure of becoming a Stay-at-Home-Mom after the birth of my first child, my daughter Rachel. I absolutely LOVE being home raising my daughter and getting to witness her discovery of the world every single day. From her learning how to take her pacifier out of her mouth and put it back in again,  to figuring out that she can suck on her toes, and to watching her hold on to the coffee table and shake her little booty.  However, in the last 6 months, I’ve also learned that there is a lot more to being a stay-at-home Mom than just taking care of the little one. We’re down a steady pay check (I left my position as a LPN at a sub-acute rehab facility) and we’ve increased our expenses (ah…duh…who knew diapers were so expensive?) Now I need to figure out how to save money on the things we need while paying down our debt, saving for a house, planning for Rachel’s future (i.e. college and a fairytale wedding) and planning for our future (dare I say retirement? Yikes!).

 Now, back to the focus part; I’ve decided I need it. Enter: blog. I need to be accountable to something or someone in order to be successful. I also need support, and where better to find the support of those who have been through what I’m attempting to do than on the net? It’s a great big cyber world out there and surely there are people willing and able to listen and offer advice (which is much appreciated).

I’m going to use this blog as a place to brainstorm ideas on how to save and earn a little cash, chronicle Rach’s milestones, celebrate my steps taken towards becoming a responsible adult by paying down our debt and saving for the future, and maybe even get creative through crafting, cooking and baking, or whatever floats my fancy! I’m super excited and I hope you are too. Thanks for listening and coming along with me while I attempt to find my New Mom Mojo!
